Passion for Heritage

The name of the fabulous city of Bukhara (noble Bukhara, indeed), and the many great minds who lived there and whose patron it was, provides a direct link to the origin of our company’s name inspired by an immersive scholar, polymath. Muhammad al-Bukhari, who was born in Bukhara at the end of the ninth century. During his lifetime, he wrote one of the most important works for the Muslim world, the Sahih-al Bukhari, a collection of the authentic sayings and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, otherwise known as the Hadith. "Sahih al-Bukhari" became widely recognized and accepted across the Islamic world as a primary source of religious guidance. Its influence extended beyond the religious domain, as it served as a reference for legal, ethical, and social matters. This helped shape the moral fabric of societies in the Islamic world. Moreover, Imam al-Bukhari's methodology in evaluating the authenticity of hadith laid the foundation for the development of a comprehensive system of authentication and grading in Islamic scholarship. This approach later influenced the establishment of principles for evaluating historical narratives and other forms of knowledge. His  approach to meticulous documentation and authentication set a standard for intellectual rigour and scholarship. This ethos of critical analysis and verification has carried over to various fields, encouraging a culture of academic precision.  Our company, the Bukhari Creative Group, chose his precious name to convey several messages:

●  Intellectual heritage. We want to communicate the same sense of knowledge and mastery that al-Bukhari had.

●   Authenticity. Al-Bukhari is known for his knowledge, but above all for his rigour in verifying the authenticity of each hadith. 

●  Inspiration and values. Al-Bukhari devoted his life to the search for knowledge in order to preserve the islamic traditions followed by the islamic tradition led by the Prophet Muhammad.

We aim to inspire a deeper appreciation and understanding of the rich cultural and artistic traditions of the Islamic world among a diverse global audience. Contemporary Uzbekistan, which is the starting point for our project, was once at the crossroads of the Silk Roads, and has been melting pot of many civilizations. It is still home to many marvelous architectural edifices, such as the Registan in Samarkand and the many mosques in Bukhara.


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